Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sorry I am having trouble adjusting the text and pictures I hope you can read it.


Here is a shot of Abi's candy she got from trick or treating. We went with a couple of friends that have kids a little older and understand the concept. It was a blast. After every house Abi ran up to me saying, "mommy they gave me candy to." Before you tell me I'm nuts I was able to give the candy to my friend who has kids in the public school. A local dentist does a candy drive and collects all the candy and the class with the most wins a pizza party. The dentist sends the candy over seas to the troups. I thought it was a pretty good idea and Abi never missed it.

I know I didn't get any pictures of Abi and I feel horrible but for my defense I had a migrane that day and had been puking for an hour. Not that you really wanted to know that but Abi was so cute and my friend got pics to share with you at a later date.

Just for fun

It is a good thing that Abi loves Eliana so much. It's not like I don't feel Elli but for some reason Abi's food tastes better than her own. She was pretty proud of her achievement!!!