Last September we held a Bible study by Beth Moore at my house for 10 weeks called Believeing God. There were a consistent 7 ladies that would show up on any given Thursday and 4 of us were pregnant. Marika was due first in Oct. and gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Anehli. Megan was next in Nov. and had Emmerson "Emmy". The race was on (at least according to John) between Lonna and I since we were both due on Christmas day, Eliana came 2 days before Anders but Anders wins for beign the only boy at the ladies Bible study. Here are a few of the faces.
Is seems we are getting back to normal around here (whatever that may be). Abi is adjusting to life with a sister, she has moved into her big girl bed and slept through the night in it for the first time last night. That was a great accomplishment for Abi and for Mommy and Daddy since we need the crib for Eliana who likes to make a lot of noise when she is going to sleep. Yaya is more and more alert everyday and we love to make her smile. She still gets a little nervous when Abi is around but she loves to watch her big sister doing things. For sure they are both Daddy's girls and we feel so blessed to have them.
Many of you may know that Abi's name means "Source of Joy" and I really believe that the Lord led us to that name because it fits her perfectly. Here are some more pictures of our kiddos. Abi is wearing Anders (Ian and Lonna's son) jean jacket; Anders is the same age as Eliana:)
Anders and Eliana wouldn't stop chewing on eachother's face. They are already best buds. Oh by the way we are calling Eilana YaYa because that is what Abi calls her. Love you!