Thursday, May 29, 2008

Uncle David and Auntie Chrystal's house

Abi had a great time riding her cousins trike and watching Daddy and Uncle David ride their dirt bikes around the property. David has spent many hours creating trails at his house for the boys to compete with. Eliana also took a ride on a bike, ok really she is just posing. Mommy had a great time just relaxing with family and enjoying the beautiful view. Thanks Chrystal and Terry for such a wonderful dinner. It was YUMMY!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hot spring evening

Baby Anders came over to enjoy the cool evening breeze after a 95 degree day.

Goofing around

Just some photos of us having fun around the house.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Clothes. Who needs them?

This is what Abi put on after I asked her to get dressed before she went outside. If I leave the girls unattended too long I will usually find Eliana with no clothes on as well and sometimes with no diaper.


On Thursday mornings our little Mommy's group meets for lots of giggles, tickles, food and fun. We have featured from left to right, Emmy, Eliana, Anneli, Anders and Keslin and Abi in one of the pictures. Not featured is Hadley (Emmy's big sister), Kyra who is the babysitter (she is 6) and Keslin's little sister who is due to arrive in Sept. sometime.

Ants make horrible pets

Abi is an animal lover and has recently discovered bugs (bugies) as she likes to call them. Abi follows our newest roomates all over the bathroom and kitchen floor just watching them move and carry objects toward the door. I think she would love to keep them but then again she also thinks it is great fun when mom and Dad smash them with whatever object is flat enough to do the job. Oh the joys of spring!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eliana's 4 months and growing

I wonder if all mom's with more then one child constantly think..."I need to get my digital and video camera out more often"? Eliana is growing and changing so fast and we are loving every minute of it. Yaya has a sweet peaceful personality and loves to make you smile. Even when she is sick she is happy. THANK YOU LORD! She loves watching Abi, who makes her laugh all the time and she loves to cuddle. She is also a big fan of TV which Mommy and Daddy try to keep her from but she will strain her neck to watch Elmo with her big sister. Yaya rolled over for the first time last week...I missed it, but my friends saw it. The Dr. was suprised that she is already rolling over because she is such a big baby. Yes she is 17lbs. and 2oz and 26 3/4 inches long. No wonder my back hurts!!! All in all she is such a blessing to us and we are so thankful for our little family.

John's inspector



Spring is finally here! Wait...where did it go?

Abi looked so beautiful in her green dress and blue sweater I just had to snap a picture. I love spring.

Abigail and I snuck outside one afternoon while Eliana was sleeping and had a wonderful time playing in the dirt. A few months ago Abi wouldn't put her hands in the dirt at all and now she can't get enough of it. She loves the outdoors and asks to go outside about every 5 mins. Thankfully we have had a few dry days lately so I can say yes. Because of our location and lack of fence I need to be outside with her and I just don't enjoy the cold rain like she does. I usually blame it on Eliana so Abi will probably always think Yaya will melt in the rain.