Monday, July 21, 2008

Church Camp

On the last day I decided to get my camera out and snap a few photos. I wish I had done it sooner because there were some great first events for Abi, like walking in the river with her awesome boat coat that Nana and Papa bought her. Also, Abi and Elli had a great time playing with their friends and with each other. This year the camp had invested in a huge play structure for the kids so according to Abi she lived at the park for 2 days with all of her friends. I really don't think life could get any better than that for her.

Eliana continues to tower over her friends with those long legs. Anders and Elli spent many hours hanging out with thier mommy's together. It was great fun!!!
Judah and Owen were nice enough to lend their wagon to Abi and Elli. Thanks guys!!!

1 comment:

soulscribe said...

Great pictures guys!!! Wish we were at the beach there with you. We're thinking of you often. DB